

Pagic supports rendering md/tsx files into static HTML pages. The features supported by these two kind of files will be introduced below.

md file§

Pagic uses markdown-it to compile markdown files. It supports adding third-party plugins to extend the original functions.

Pagic supports the following features:


The first <h1> tag in the article will be extracted as the title of the entire page (plus the title in pagic.config.ts as the suffix).

If there is no <h1> tag in the article, the title in pagic.config.ts will be used as the title of the page.


All the <h2> and <h3> tags in the article will be extracted as the table of contents of the page.

If there is no <h2> or <h3> in the article, then toc is undefined.

You can modify the extracted title level through the config md.tocLevel.

Anchor in title§

All the <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6> tags in the article will be inserted into a clickable anchor §.

You can modify the level of the title that will insert anchor through the config md.anchorLevel.

If the link in the article ends with .md, it will be replaced with .html during the build process, for example:


Will be constructed as:

<a href="./config.html">Config</a>

The actual build result: Config, you might as well click to see the jump effect.

Why is it designed like this?

Because such a link not only supports click to jump in the generated page, but also supports click to jump in the markdown preview of GitHub, but also supports cmd/ctrl + click jump in VSCode (or other editors).

Try it in GitHub version of this page.

It should be noted that not only the suffix of in the link will be replaced with .html, the path will also be replaced with index:


Will be constructed as:

<a href="/index.html">Homepage</a>

The actual build result: Homepage, you might as well click to see the jump effect.

In addition, if the link starts with http:// or https://, it means that it is an external link, and no matter what the suffix is, it will not be replaced.

Front matter§

frontMatter is allowed to be set at the top of the markdown file, which will be passed as props to _layout.tsx. Note that it has the highest priority and will override any props added by plugins, such as:

Set outputPath to specify the path of the output page (the output path is the file path by default):

outputPath: foo/bar.html---

# Content


Set layoutPath to specify the template file used on this page:

layoutPath: posts/_layout.tsx---

# Content


Set toc to null to disable the table of content of this page:

toc: null---

# Content


Set prev or next to specify the path of the previous page and the next page (need to cooperate with the prev_next plugin):


# Content


The setting of the frontMatter is very flexible, with various plugins or custom _layout.tsx, various effects can be achieved.

TeX (KaTeX)§

Inline: E=mc2E=mc^2

Inline: $E=mc^2$


1(ϕ5ϕ)e25π=1+e2π1+e4π1+e6π1+e8π1+\frac{1}{ \Bigl(\sqrt{\phi \sqrt{5}}-\phi\Bigr) e^{ \frac25 \pi}} = 1+\frac{e^{-2\pi}} {1+\frac{e^{-4\pi}} { 1+\frac{e^{-6\pi}} {1+\frac{e^{-8\pi}}{1+\cdots}} } }

  \Bigl(\sqrt{\phi \sqrt{5}}-\phi\Bigr) e^{
  \frac25 \pi}} = 1+\frac{e^{-2\pi}} {1+\frac{e^{-4\pi}} {

git log message§

When parsing a Markdown file, Pagic will run a script to get its git log and extract useful information from it. They include:

  • author: The first committer of the file
  • contributors: All submitters of the file (including the first submitter), sorted by the time of the first submission (first submitted first)
  • date: The date when the file was first submitted
  • updated: The date when the file was last submitted

These information will be written into the props of the page.


At present, Pagic's markdown parsing still has some limitations, which is also the direction for future improvement:

  • The option to configure markdown-it is not supported
  • Does not support advanced grammar such as flowcharts
  • Does not support embedded jsx

tsx file§

Rendering tsx files into static HTML pages is one of Pagic's features. With the programmability of React components, the capabilities of static websites are greatly expanded.

Basic usage§

Any tsx file that does not start with _ will be treated as a tsx page file.

Let's create a hello.tsx file in the previous site project:

├── pagic.config.ts
├── hello.tsx└──

Its content is:

import { React } from '';

const Hello = () => <h1>Hello world</h1>;

export default Hello;

Next we run:

pagic build --serve

Then open and you can see that Hello world is displayed on the page.

At the same time, there is an additional file hello.html in the dist directory:

|── dist    # Output directory
| |── hello.html| └── index.html
├── pagic.config.ts
├── hello.tsx└──

The default export (export default) in hello.tsx will be regarded as the content of the page.

Logic script§

Pagic will not only execute the logic in the tsx file when building the page, but also run in the browser.

For example, we can use React.setState to implement a counter page:

import { React } from '';

const Hello = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);  return (
      <h1>Hello world</h1>
      <p>Count: {count}</p>
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Count +1</button>    </>

export default Hello;

Visit /hello.html to view the actual rendering results.

Due to the limitation of react.d.ts, you must use when using the sub-methods of React, instead of directly import React, {useState} ....


Componentization is one of the important features of React. We can reuse code by splitting the tsx page into sub-components. However, in Pagic, due to the need to support rendering of tsx files as pages, we need to make a convention for sub-components, that is, starting with _ are sub-components:

|── dist    # Output directory
| └── hello.html
├── _count.tsx├── hello.tsx
└── pagic.config.ts

In the above example, hello.tsx will be constructed as dist/hello.html, and _count.tsx will not be constructed as a page because it starts with _. In this way, we can split the Count component into the _count.tsx file, and then import it in hello.tsx:

import { React } from '';

import Count from './_count.tsx';
const Hello = () => (
    <h1>Hello world</h1>
    <Count />  </>

export default Hello;

Front matter§

Similar to md files, tsx files also support frontMatter, which is achieved by exporting a frontMatter object:

import { React } from '';

const Hello = () => <h1>Hello world</h1>;

export default Hello;

export const frontMatter = {  outputPath: 'foo/bar.html',};

git log message§

Like the md file, the tsx file will also get information such as author, contributors, date, updated, and they will be written into the props of the page.


There are also some limitations when using tsx files, which are also the direction for future improvements:

  • Does not support code highlighting
  • Does not support embedded markdown
  • Does not support automatic directory generation