

The content starting from this chapter is for users who need deep customization. If you simply use Pagic, you can skip directly to the Blog chapter.

_layout.tsx is one of Pagic's core concepts.

What is _layout.tsx§

_layout.tsx can be understood as Pagic's template file when rendering the page. All page files (md/tsx) will use _layout.tsx as the template when rendering.

We might as well create a _layout.tsx in the previous site project:

├── _layout.tsx├── pagic.config.ts

The content of _layout.tsx is as follows:

import { React, PagicLayout } from '';

const Layout: PagicLayout = ({ title, content }) => (
      <meta charSet="utf-8" />
      <p>Custom _layout.tsx</p>

export default Layout;

Next we run:

pagic build --serve

Then open, you can see that in addition to the title Hello world, there is also a paragraph Custom _layout.tsx, which shows that this page uses _layout.tsx rendered as a template.

Why can we build a page without _layout.tsx in the previous chapter?

That's because Pagic will use the _layout.tsx file in the default theme as a template by default. When we create our own _layout.tsx, it will overwrite the _layout.tsx in the theme.

Sub-pages and sub-templates§

The design of _layout.tsx is intuitive. When we create a subdirectory, the pages in it will give priority to the use of _layout.tsx in that directory. Only when there is no _layout.tsx in the subdirectory, will the page look in the upper-level directory until you find _layout.tsx:

|── dist    # Output directory
|   |── index.html
|   └── foo
|       ├── index.html
|       └── bar
|           └── index.html
├── _layout.tsx├── pagic.config.ts
└── foo
    └── bar
        ├── _layout.tsx        └──

In the above example, site/foo/bar/ will use site/foo/bar/_layout.tsx in the same directory as the template, and site/foo/ will Use site/_layout.tsx as a template.

By configuring the frontMatter of page, you can skip this rule and force a template to be specified.


Componentization is one of the important features of React. We can reuse code by splitting _layout.tsx into sub-components. However, in Pagic, due to the need to support rendering of tsx files as pages, we need to make a convention for sub-components, that is, starting with _ are sub-components:

|── dist    # Output directory
|   └── hello.html
├── _layout.tsx
├── _sidebar.tsx├── hello.tsx
└── pagic.config.ts

In the above example, hello.tsx will be constructed as dist/hello.html, and _sidebar.tsx will not be constructed as a page because it starts with _. In this way, you can split the Sidebar component into the _sidebar.tsx file, and then import it in _layout.tsx:

import { React, PagicLayout } from '';

import Sidebar from './_sidebar.tsx';
const Layout: PagicLayout = ({ title, content }) => (
      <meta charSet="utf-8" />
      <Sidebar />      {content}

export default Layout;


Note that in the above example, we used the title and content in props, so besides these two, what other props can be used?

Please refer to the following table:

Properties Type Description
title string The title of the page, usually put in <head><title>
content string The content of the page, usually put in <body>
contentTitle ReactElement The title of content, can be used with contentBody to insert content between title and body
contentBody ReactElement The body of content, can be used with contentTitle to insert content between title and body
toc ReactElement Table of content
author string The first committer of the file
contributors string[] All submitters of the file (including the first submitter), sorted by the time of the first submission (first submitted first)
date Date The date when the file was first submitted
updated Date The date when the file was last submitted
excerpt string The excerpt of article, default to the first 210 characters of the content
cover string The cover of article (first image of content)
tags string[] The tags of the article
categories string[] The categories of the article
config PagicConfig Pagic runtime[1] configuration
pagePath string Page path, such as docs/
layoutPath string The template path of the page, such as docs/_layout.tsx
outputPath string The output path of the page, such as docs/index.html
head ReactElement The content that needs to be inserted into <head>
script ReactElement ReactElement generated by the script plugin
loading boolean Whether the page loading
sidebar PagePropsSidebar An object generated by the sidebar plugin
prev PagePropsSidebar[0] Details of the previous page
next PagePropsSidebar[0] Details of the next page
gitalk ReactElement ReactElement generated by the gitalk plugin
blog Checkout Blog Blog information of the current page
language Checkout Internationalization Language of the current page
Others any Third-party plugins may also expand props

Static resources§

Except for the special files mentioned above, other files will be regarded as static resources and copied directly to the dist directory.

All file name conventions are summarized as follows:

File name Description
Start with . Hidden files, will be ignored
pagic.config.ts or pagic.config.tsx Config file
_layout.tsx Template file
tsx file starting with _ Subcomponent
file ends with md or tsx Page file
Other files Static resources will be copied directly to the dist directory


  1. The runtime configuration of Pagic is slightly different from the configuration in pagic.config.ts