

This chapter will introduce how to install and use Pagic.


Install Deno§

Pagic is based on Deno, so you need to install Deno before using it.

# Shell (Mac, Linux):
curl -fsSL | sh

Other installation methods (PowerShell, Homebrew, etc.) can be found in Deno official website

Install Pagic§

Execute the following command to install the latest version of Pagic:

deno install --unstable --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-env --allow-run --name=pagic

If you need to install a specific version of Pagic, you can add the version in the URL:

deno install --unstable --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-env --allow-run --name=pagic

Pagic will only require the necessary permissions. If you want to further restrict Pagic's runtime permissions, you can limit it by specifying the read and write directories:

deno install --unstable --allow-read=/home/xcatliu/site --allow-write=/home/xcatliu/site --allow-net --allow-env --allow-run --name=pagic

Install via Docker§

Execute the following command to install Pagic via Docker:

alias pagic='docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/pagic xcatliu/pagic'

It should be noted that executing the above command will only take effect in the current shell. If you want to take effect permanently, it is recommended to write it in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc.

Initialize the project§

To use pagic to build a static website, the project must include at least one pagic.config.ts config file and one md/tsx page file:

├── pagic.config.ts

Of course, pagic.config.ts can only export an empty object at the beginning:

export default {}; can be a simple markdown file:

# Hello world

You can create the above site project by running the following command:

mkdir site && cd site && echo "export default {};" > pagic.config.ts && echo "# Hello world" >

You can also run pagic init and select site to generate a pagic.config.ts file in the current directory.

Run pagic build§

Next, we can use the pagic build command in the project. Its basic usage is as follows:

# Build a static website
pagic build [options]
# --watch   Watch file changes to rebuild
# --serve   Start local service, preview static website
# --port    Specify the port of the local service

Try running the following code in the site directory:

pagic build --watch --serve

Then open with a browser, and see if it shows Hello world?

Note that the build result is in the dist directory (some minor files are hidden here):

|── dist    # Output directory
|   └── index.html
├── pagic.config.ts

Normal markdown files will be constructed as HTML files with the same name, but is constructed as index.html, which is a kind of humanized processing, which is convenient for displaying the content of the homepage in GitHub and static websites at the same time .