

This chapter will introduce how to use plugins and how to develop plugins.

If you want to see a list of all plugins and their documentation, please visit plugins list.

How to use§

The plugin is configured in pagic.config.ts through plugins, its type is string[].

According to the level of the plugin, plugins can be divided into built-in plugins, official plugins and third-party plugins.

Built-in plugins§

Built-in plugins (also called default plugins) are the most important plugins, they make up the entire Pagic build process, in other words, the entire Pagic build process is split into built-in plugins.

The built-in plugins include ['clean','init','md','tsx','script','layout','out'], the construction process of Pagic also follows this order:

  1. clean: Empty the dist directory
  2. init: Initialize intermediate variables (pagePropsMap)
  3. md: Parse the md file and update the intermediate variables
  4. tsx: Parse tsx files and update intermediate variables
  5. script: Compile tsx files to generate pagic.config.js, index.js, *_props.js, *_content.js and other files
  6. layout: Parse the _layout.tsx file and use the Layout component to render
  7. out: Generate HTML files, copy static resources

In fact, there are some steps before step 1: parsing pagic.config.ts, scanning the project directory, finding page files and template files. However, due to some operating mechanisms, they cannot be split into plugins.

The built-in plugin is enabled by default, you don't need to add configuration to enable it.

By configuring items beginning with -, you can delete the default plugins, such as:

export default {
  plugins: ['-script'],

This configuration will delete the script plugin in the default plugins, so that the generated website does not have the React-related <script> tag, and it also loses the SPA ability when jumping between pages.

But for very simple websites, such as one-page-website, this configuration is very suitable.

If you delete the default plugin and then add a third-party plugin, we can even completely change Pagic's build process. For example, we can delete the md plugin, and then add a third-party plugin that parses markdown to replace the process of parsing markdown files.

Official plugins§

In addition to built-in plugins, we also provide some commonly used official plugins, including:

  • sidebar: Used to parse the sidebar configured in pagic.config.ts, the theme will render sidebar after the parse is completed
  • prev_next: Will get the link of previous page and the next page according to the configuration of sidebar, the theme will render it to the bottom of the article
  • ga: Google Analytics plugin, the plugin will generate a ReactElement, the theme will inserted it into the page's <head>
  • gitalk: Add comment function to the page, the plugin will generate a ReactElement, the theme will insert it into the bottom of the page
  • blog: Parse the md/tsx file as a post in the specified directory
  • i18n: Internationalization plugin, which make the website support multiple languages

The configuration of these plugins can be viewed in the Config chapter.

Official plugins can be added by configuring plugins.

It should be noted that the user-configured plugins will not replace the default plugins, but will be inserted into the default plugins according to a rule.

Take config file as an example:

export default {
  plugins: ['sidebar', 'prev_next', 'ga'],

The inserted plugins are:

export default {
  plugins: ['clean', 'init', 'md', 'tsx', 'sidebar', 'prev_next', 'ga', 'script', 'layout', 'out'],

So what is the rules?§

It turns out that every non-built-in plugin will have an insert attribute, which describes the position when it is inserted, and its value is before:xxx or after:xxx, where xxx is one The name of the plugin. such as:

  • The insert attribute of sidebar is after:tsx, so it will be inserted after tsx
  • The insert attribute of prev_next is after:sidebar, so it will be inserted after sidebar
  • The insert attribute of ga is before:script, so it will be inserted before script

Thanks to Pagic's splitting of the build process into built-in plugins, non-built-in plugins can be flexibly inserted into any position of the build. This design is more flexible and easier to understand than creating some "hook functions".

Third-party plugins§

When using third-party plugins, the items in the array should be an entry file URL:

export default {
  plugins: [''],

How to develop a plugin§

Plugin structure§

A plugin must have a default export, the type is as follows:

interface PagicPlugin {
  name: string;
  insert?: string;
  fn: (ctx: Pagic) => Promise<void>;

Among them:

  • name is the name of the plugin. This name will be used when other plugins need to be inserted before or after this plugin
  • insert is the position where the plugin is inserted, the value is before:xxx or after:xxx, where xxx is a plugin name
  • The fn function is the core logic of the plugin, and it accepts a parameter pagic, which is an instance of Pagic

This naming rule refers to Deno Testing's design

fn function§

The fn function is the core logic of the plugin. Since its parameter pagic is the currently running instance of Pagic, it can do almost anything, including but not limited to:

  • Get configuration in pagic.config.ts
  • Get the list of static resources
  • Get page list
  • Modify the props of the page
  • Write files to the dist directory
  • Import and run third-party modules

For example, we can create a plugin that adds a prefix to the title of all pages:

import { PagicPlugin } from '';

const prependTitle: PagicPlugin = {
  name: 'prepend_title',
  insert: 'after:tsx',
  fn: async (pagic) => {    for (const pagePath of pagic.pagePaths) {      const pageProps = pagic.pagePropsMap[pagePath];      pagic.pagePropsMap[pagePath] = {        ...pageProps,        title: `Prefix ${pageProps.title}`,      };    }  },};

export default prependTitle;

In the above example,

  • pagic.pagePaths is the temporary[1] path of all scanned pages
  • pagic.pagePropsMap is the props of all pages

We loop through pagic.pagePaths through for of, and re-assign the props of each page, so that we can add a prefix to all pages.

In addition to these two attributes, pagic has many other attributes. The commonly used pagic attributes are listed below:

Properties Type Description
config PagicConfig Pagic runtime[2] configuration
pagePaths string[] Temporary[1] all scanned page paths
layoutPaths string[] All scanned templates (including themes)
staticPaths string[] Temporary[1] all scanned static resources (including themes)
pagePropsMap Record<string, any> props for all pages
writeFiles Record<string, string> Will be written to the dist directory in the out plugin
rebuilding boolean true means rebuilding, false means incremental building

Note that

Reference official plugin§

The best reference for developing a plugin is the official plugin, you can directly view the source code of the official plugin.


  1. pagePaths and staticPaths are both temporary, that is to say, they only contain incremental during incremental builds (--watch mode)
  2. The runtime configuration of Pagic is slightly different from the configuration in pagic.config.ts